Russell heads with the Travis & Rachel to tell Khari about his past.
Coming out of commercial break, Rachel recaps in voiceover; Russell comes clean to Khari and he overreacts and storms out.
Travis & Rachel leave Russell’s house and head for their hotel.
LUC - Ghost (LA Garagetronic Mix) - Single
Travis & Rachel arrive back at their hotel, The Mission Inn.
Jasmine Crowe - Playing With Fire - Single
Transition to Travis & Rachel head out for the hotel the next morning, just before they get a call-back from Johnnae.
Coming out of commercial break montage to recap of meeting with Johnnae in Fairmont Park.
Travis & Rachel head to meet Destiney and arrive at the Galleria at Tyler, Riverside, CA.
Coming out of commercial break, Travis & Rachel speculate about "the baby" as they drive.
Travis & Rachel leave hotel for the confrontation; Set-up for confrontation just before Russell arrives.
Destiney and Russell hug as they share a painful moment after she tells him why she ghosted him.
Destiney walks out of the studio followed by Travis & Rachel. Russell sits alone. Travis & Rachel hug her goodbye and head back in to Russell.
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