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Glad About That

Darktown Strutter

Song as Muller puts up the notice at the tattoo parlour.

Catch Me If You Can

Dessert Belle

First song in the bar as Crystal and her friends arrive.

Capitol City (feat. Alex Treuhlz)

Jimblah - Face the Fire

Jay speaks to Tipper out the front of his house.

Don't Call Me

Gotham City

Song as they sit outside the tattoo parlour.

Come and Get It

Beans & Fatback - With Skin Attached

Jay takes Crystal home from the pub.

Capitol City (feat. Alex Truehl)

Jimblah - Face the Fire

Jay and Tipper are chatting outside.

Catch Me If You Can

Desert Belle - Desert Belle - EP

Crystal arrives at pub with Eric + co. A song plays on the jukebox. Jaz stares down Crystal as Shevorne watches. Eric buys Crystal a drink. Shevorne and Jaz behind the bar, comparing texts.

Golden Boy

Magic Hands - Let Me Hold You While You Fail

Crystal is playing music from her phone as she walks into the service station.

I Put a Spell on You

Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Voodoo Jazz & Blues

Crystal and Jaz get into a fight at the pub.

Prophet Story

Cobi - Prophet Story - Single

Song as Eric is arrested at Jay.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.