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My Backwards Walk

Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight

Nathan talks to Devon and Jamie and Andre go to Q's grave

Been a Long Day

Rosi Golan - The Drifter and the Gypsy

Millie leaves; Mia helps Chase; the police find Quentin's wallet in Xavier's house; Nate talks to Haley & Jamie on the phone; Lucas returns home.


Meiko - Meiko

Mia apologizes to Peyton; Nate arrives for basketball practice.

Paper Kite

Damien Jurado - Caught in the Trees

Andre talks to his mom then leaves for the cemetary with Jamie; Brooke & Peyton look for Sam.

Backwards Walk

Frightened Rabbit - Quietly Now ! - Midnight Organ Fight Live and Acoustic At the Captain's Rest

Nate confronts his teammate; Mrs. Fields discovers that the boys are missing.

Neon Sky

Starsailor - All the Plans

Peyton phones Lucas to tell him she's pregnant; Nate tells Haley he's on the team; Mouth & Skills discuss Millie & Gigi.

Into Your Soft Heart


Julian stops by Brooke's store; Lucas talks with Julian's dad; Jamie & Andre talk about ghosts; basketball practice.

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