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Muddy Waters

L.P. - Lost on You

Daya holds Humphrey and McCollough at gunpoint as the inmates scream for her to shoot Hump; (flashback) Poussey smiles to herself after spending one of the best nights of her life in NYC; End credits.

You Are The Light (feat. Annie Golden)

Orange is the New Black Cast

Norma sings as she cradles a weeping Brook in her arms; Piper spots all the inmates trying to cope with their grief as she heads out to brush her teeth. Original artist: Lone Justice.

The Seed (2.0) (feat. Cody Chestnutt)

The Roots - Phrenology

Song sung by the white version of The Roots: The Rootz

Rockin' It

The Bamboos - Rawville

Plays while Poussey and friends are at a club talking about posting a pic online before The Rootz, a knock-off cover outfit of hip-hop band The Roots.

Runnin' with the Fools

Two Dollar Pistols

Dixon tells Baxter it wasn't his fault as he drives him home.

Muddy Waters

LP - Lost on You

Final donde aparece Poussey

Rockin' It (feat. Ohmega Watts)

The Bamboos - Rawville

00:24 Poussey and her friends are at a club and are talking about posting a picture.

The Seed (2.0)

The Roots, Cody Chesnutt - Phrenology

Song sung by the white version of The Roots: The Rootz

The Seed (2.0)

The Roots - Phrenology

[Live cover version]

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