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Smash It up!

The (International) Noise Conspiracy - Survival Sickness

Montage as MK times herself as she brushes and floss her teeth, builds a bomb, researches DYAD Institute and adds information to her chart board as she gets close to revenge on Ferdinand.

Smash It Up

The (International) Noise Conspiracy - Orphan Black: The DNA Sampler (Music from the Original TV Series)

Montage as MK times herself as she brushes and floss her teeth, builds a bomb, researches DYAD Institute and adds information to her chart board as she gets close to revenge on Ferdinand.


We Are Wolves - Non-Stop je te plie en deux

Sarah goes to Dizzy's apartment to meet with MK, he leaves her alone inside to meet with her; Sarah calls out for MK expecting her physically be there only to find MK on the computer monitor.


Kevvy - Director's Cut - EP

Sarah returns to Dizzy flat to asks his help in finding MK after being iced out by her, he requests she tell him what she wants with MK she then reluctantly reveals they're clones.

AVE MARIA (Schubert)

Keith Blainville (Trad.Arr.) - Weihnachtsmelodien klassisch - classical music for Christmas

After digging a hole, Helena makes promise to her eggs that she'll tell the twins about them in the future then buries the cryo canister in the Hendrix garden; Helena leaves the Hendrix house.

Funiculi Funicula

Andrea Bocelli - Incanto

Donnie talks to Allison who helps him work up while masturbating for the sample at the Spring Fertility Clinic while undercover with Felix.

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