Aria runs into Holbrook dressed as Santa; Paige, Ezra & Caleb watch Alison head outside.
Janyelle Crawford / Sweetersongs
Emily follows two of Alison's new minions, who turn out to be Sidney & Jenna.
Caroline Brooks - 25 Days of Christmastime - Single
Hanna & Caleb, dressed as elves, hand out presents to children at the church.
Paige, Emily, Lucas, Sydney, Jenna, and other kids from Rosewood High sing at a nursing home.
Sidney awkwardly wishes Emily 'Merry Christmas'; Paige informs Emily that her parents want her in California after Christmas; Alison admires her handiwork.
Sidney awkwardly wishes Emily 'Merry Christmas'; Paige tells Emily that her parents want her in California after Christmas; Alison admires her handiwork after giving the twins a makeover.
Aria asks Spencer what she got for Toby, as the girls walk down the street and admire the decorations.
The girls look around the Christmas Ball for Alison; Spencer has her photo take with a Santa-dressed Lucas.
Christina Perri - A Very Merry Perri Christmas - EP
Ezra, Toby, Caleb & Paige surprise the girls; everyone celebrates together; Paige tells Emily that her parents want her to move to California; Hanna looks at a picture of Mona; the group has Christmas dinner as Alison watches them through a window; Emily makes a toast to staying together.
Hanna, Emily & Aria dance with their significant others; Alison arrives with her masked army.
Blake & Kristy - This Is the Season - Single
Aria follows Alison and sees her kissing someone dressed as Santa Claus, then she runs to inform Emily; Emily heads off to have her picture taken with Santa Claus.
Sweetersongs - Sweetersongs 1st Edition
Emily watches then follows Ali's new minions then follows them, the two reveal themselves to be Sydney & Jenna.
Amy Stroup - Tunnel ( Deluxe )
The group at the party discuss Holbrook's possible connection to Alison, then split up to follow Alison, Holbrook & Lucas.
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