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Under the Shadows (Waze & Odyssey Remix)

Rae Morris - Pure Deep House - The Very Best of Deep House

As they have tea, Pam asks Emily how Allison has been keeping up. Then notices a text from Hollis Medical Center and asks about it; Emily lies; Emily sees Aria heading up to Ezra's apartment.

Slow Motion

Hayley Taylor

Hayley Taylor's band The Fauve plays this song.

Slow Motion

The Fauve - Slow Motion - Single

00:01 Aria tells the girls she has to head back home to her job; the girls contemplate whether Sarah's memories are actually missing.

I Found

Amber Run - 5AM (Deluxe)

00:08 Hanna returns to her hotel room to find that her fiance, Jordan, has arrived to surprise her with an intimate dinner.


Spencer Thomson

00:24 Emily asks Sabrina not to tell anyone she was outside of the medical center; Sabrina tells Emily she should have a support system if she's sick.

Those People

Spencer Thomson

00:25 The gathers at Allison's place; Jordan and Caleb meet; Allison asks if anyone has talked to Aria.

Beautiful Day

Imaginary Future - Sunlight

00:27 Emily tells Hanna she's going to stick around town for a few weeks; Jordan and Caleb add a leaf to the table; Jordan asks Spencer if she sees a lot of Caleb; Caleb congratulates Hanna on her engagement.

Those People

Spencer Thomson

The group gathers at Alison's home for dinner; Jordan and Caleb meet each other; Alison asks if anyone has talked to Aria since she left to return to Boston.

Under the Shadows

Rae Morris - Unguarded

00:35 Pam asks Emily how Allison is doing, then notices a text from Hollis Medical Center and asks about their plans; Emily sees Aria heading up to Ezra's apartment.

Bashed Out

This Is the Kit - Bashed Out

00:54 Aria researches Nicole on-line; Hanna deletes the surveillance video of Aria leaving the hotel, then joins Jordan in bed; Allison tells Lorenzo she thinks one of her friends killed Charlotte.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.