Hanna and Emily discuss whether or not Ezra is A, and when Spencer arrives on the scene and hands over her last few Adderall pills to Hanna.
The Cocanuts - Street Lights - Single
Hanna & Emily discuss Aria & whether or not Ezra is A; Spencer arrives and hands over her remaining pills to Hanna.
Emily offers Ezra a refill on his coffee, then drops a tray of dishes as her phone rings.
Aria helps Ezra put away dishes while they talk about Spencer's drug problem.
Sacco - Carnival Ghost [Digital 45]
While out for dinner, Mona tells Mike about her younger years then they talk about love as Ezra arrives.
Spencer looks at the necklace Toby gave her; Aria reads the dedication in the book Ezra gave her then throws the book across her room; A picks up the pages of Ezra's book.
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