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Rising Water

James Vincent McMorrow - We Move

00:05 Ryan tells Miranda what happened during the AIC recruitment; Alex is interviewed by Hannah about her undercover assignment; Selby tries to get information from Léon in an intimate setting; Hannah asks Alex about Owen.

You Are So Beautiful

Joe Cocker - 20 #1’s: Classic Rock Love Songs

Alex sabotages Ryan by getting the DJ to play their song; Ryan asks her if she's still going after the AIC, makes a deal with her for information if she stops digging; Alex introduces Ryan to a girl.

The Other Side

NVDES - The Other Side - Single

00:16 Owen sends the recruits on a mission at The Goldleaf to seduce targets and get their numbers; Owen asks Alex about her approach, then walks around and comments on how the recruits are doing; Harry gives Sebastian advice; Dayana tries to reassure Léon over their AIC recruitment.

You Are So Beautiful

Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - I Can Stand a Little Rain

00:19 Alex sabotages Ryan's attempt to get a number, then he promises to let her know if he finds out anything about the AIC if she stops looking into them.


EXES - The Art of Saying Goodbye - EP

00:20 Alex joins Owen and asks what problem he's dealing with; Harry comments on Alex striking out with Owen.

Strange Enough (Carousel Remix)

Vérité - Echo EP (The Remixes)

00:32 Alex joins Owen at the bar and ends up giving her his drink, then asks him about Lydia; as Alex leads a wobbly Owen out of the bar, she accuses Harry of lying to her.


James Vincent McMorrow - We Move

00:56 Alex informs Ryan that he wasn't the only one recruited by the AIC; Sebastian gets a call from his mark and makes plans for dinner; Shelby reassures Nimah that Léon isn't suspicious; Léon watches Nimah leaving Shelby's place; Harry tells Alex that the 'drug' she gave Owen is a radioactive tracker; Shelby puts out a BOLO on Alex and Miranda; Miranda orders Alex to drive and admits she is one of the terrorists.

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