00:02 During physical training, Liam talks to the newly combined class about needing to understand each other; montage of the NATs discovering secrets about each other; Drew comments on the fact Alex is carrying around Ryan's dog tags.
00:14 Miranda tasks the NATs with finding the emotional weaknesses of their classmates; montage of the NATs trying to determine the personality type of their subjects and how to turn them.
00:26 The NATs scope out potential targets; Alex suggests to Drew that they pair up to find an informant; Iris heads off to chat with a busboy; Alex confesses to Drew that she misses Ryan.
The NATs check out potential targets; Alex suggests to Drew that they team up to find an informant; Iris heads off to acquire the busboy as her informant; Alex admits to Drew that she misses Ryan.
00:28 Natalie and her target compare stories about missing their kids; Drew ditches Alex for an easier target; Iris works on seducing a busboy.
00:35 Alex cuts in on Drew's target; Iris asks the busboy what gave her away; Nimah tells Will to analyze her sister, then asks what might cause her to lie; Miranda warns Liam against getting involved with Alex; Alex and Iris negotiate deals with their targets.
00:48 Alex asks Drew why he traded football for the FBI; Iris eavesdrops on Caleb and Shelby's conversation about Samar.
00:55 Miranda tells the NATs that sources require trust, but usually want something in return; Iris gives
Shelby contact information for an internet provider CEO in Croatia; Natalie says goodbye to
Brandon and Alex; Will crosses off Nimah's photo in his underwear drawer; Nimah spies on Rayna; Alex discovers that Liam has a connection to the shooting that lead Drew to join the FBI; in the future, Alex goes to Ryan, asks him to get her help, then runs out and begs her mystery caller to not hurt Ryan.
The Amity Affliction - Chasing Ghosts (Special Edition)
32:06 with closed captioning on it says [ The Amity Affliction's "chasing ghosts" plays] Its when Alex knocks and goes into Drews room to apologize
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