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Don't You Want Me

The Human League - Now That's What I Call the 80s

(Los Angeles, 1981) At a night club, Ben in the body of Eva Sandoval is hit on by a man who he rebuffs as throws a drink on him; Jake arrives at been has a drink.

Ballroom Blitz


(Los Angeles, 1981) Ben and Jake race through the club to the outside after splitting up to chase after Stuart Waters; after Stuart is car is trapped leaving him trapped, Stuart attempts to attack Ben, Ben (as Eva) knocks him out; (continues) as they drive back to Sandoval's Bonds, AI Addison tells Ben about his mission to save Tammy Jean Jessup.

I’ll Never Say Goodbye

Extreme Music

As they drive to Carte Blanche in their attempt to track down Tammy's at her boyfriends' Zack club, Jake unloads his current emotions on Ben/Eva after she turned him down for marriage.

We Got the Beat

The Go-Go's - Countdown to the New Year

(Los Angels, 1981) Ben heads out to find Tammy after Eva's father gives her a tip on where to find their runner; Ben and AI Addison arrive at the L.A. Union Station and begin search for Tammy/Carla; AI Addison tells Ben how Tammy/Carla's uses the station for transport her drugs into the country using the train as her transportation via the boarder.

One Way Or Another

Blondie - More Music From Coyote Ugly (Music From the Motion Pictures)

Montage as Ben (Eva) and Jake survey L.A. Union Station for Tammy/Carla while trying to find a plan and capture Carla; Jake returns to Eva (Ben) held at gunpoint by Carla.

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