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California Sun

Ramones - Leave Home (Deluxe Edition)

Operation: Spartacus starts with a wheel chair race lead by Leo & Jordi to distract Dash & Mae's bodyguards.

Be Okay

Oh Honey - Perez Hilton Presents Pop Up! #5

Nurse Jackson & Dr Naday put Charlie in a automated wheelchair then watch him well off down the hallway; As they watch Charlie, Nurse Jackson kisses Dr Naday then thanks him for his help with Charlie.


The Paper Kites

Kara tells her mother that she can change, that she wants to change; Brittany walks down the hallway.

You Can't Always Get What You Want (feat. Charlie Rowe, Ciara Bravo, Zoe Levin, Astro, Nolan Sotillo & Griffin Gluck)

Red Band Society Cast

On the rooftop, the Red Banders gather together to say goodbye to Charlie and begin to sing together when Charlie join in and sings his first words since his coma.

You Can't Always Get What You Want

The Rolling Stones - Temptation: Music from the Showtime Series Californication

It's the final minutes of RBS, all of the Red Banders are on the roof together for one last time,before Charlie leaves has to leave. Jordi begins to sing this song and the great finale ends with this.

Greek Tragedy

The Wombats - Glitterbug (Deluxe Version)

This is the music playing in the background when Jordi, Leo, and Dash are gambling in the room. Right before Dr McAndrew walks in to talk to Leo about the new trial run.

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