Lip & Helene have ruff sex in Helene's office as book from her shelves rain down on them.
Debbie runs after Tyler & Erica's children with their lunches; Tyler tells Erica he has to leave.
The Velcro Lewis Group - Bernadette - Single
Frank helps Debbie "sexy up" for Tyler; Carl & Nick arrive at school.
Carol's refugees light up cigarettes, Kevin asks for one; Sean finds Fiona texting in the back office.
Debbie races to grab a bat when she notices a bum sitting on their furniture outside.
The Jimmy Dunn Band - Jazz Like Substance
Debbie yells at the Sheriffs as they move the families things outside as Fiona & Sean arrive.
The Grizzled Mighty - Closed Knuckle Jaw
Veronica, Debbie, Nick & Carl stare at Fiona after her fight with Sean; Frank brings Erica to The Alibi Room, he tries to discuss pain relief but surprises him the drugs she has already taken.
Damien Jurado - Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son (Deluxe Edition)
Fiona leaves Lip outside to take one final look at the house, she breaks down as she does.
As they play pool, Frank & Erica battle with stories of their past debauchery and wild life then Erica tells Frank her only regret is Melissa Etheridge.
Bobby London - Mexico Dreams - EP
Kevin, Fiona & Liam arrive to the empty The Alibi; Fiona tries to appeal to Svetlana maternal side for a place to stay but ends up telling being told how the system work as Fiona looks down on Svet.
The Telecaster Kings - Happy in the U.S.A.
Tony tells Ian that Fiona "turned" him gay; Debbie breaks into the bathroom while Tyler showers.
Debbie gives Tyler a reality check; Lip arrives at the library in search of a book instead he finds Helene naked photo posted online and begins to freak out.
Ian starts a one of the police offers on the police baseball team and soon a everyone from the firefighter team and the police team are all fighting on the field.
Fiona calls Carl to tells him she thinks she found a place for other; Veronica hides the weapon from the refugee solider children then tells them they have to leave if she finds anymore on them.
Lip walks away from Amanda, giving her the middle finger as walks down the hallway.
The Snark - Bosshouse Music / Transphonic Records Artist Compilation 2016, Vol. 1
Frank has a moment with Debbie; Ian drinks with Caleb & Jason after the fight.
Sean welcomes Fiona & Liam into his apartment; Fiona & Liam wave "Hi" to Will; Lip walks back to the dorms when runs into Professor Youens.
Professor Youens and Lip campus to go get drunk; Carl & Nick arrive at V and Kevin's.
Stephen Phillips - Bosshouse Music / Transphonic Records Artist Compilation 2016, Vol. 1
Lip finds the art of and flips through to the art work of Egon Schiele, who Helene had previous took to saying he remind her of his paintings.
Melissa Etheridge - A Little Bit of Me: Live In L.A. (Deluxe)
Erica climbs into bed with Debbie and cradles her, she beings to sing to Debbie.
Fiona starts a pillow fight with Sean and soon Liam & Will join in.
Chuckie finds the Gallagher locked up and calls for them; Lip goes to Helene office only to find her door defaced and quickly rips down the pictures and defaced sign-in sheet.
Amelito Bokayo, Lorenzo Navalta
Carl asked to little Asian girl how many people she killed before
Debbie races to grab a bat when she notices a bum sitting on their furniture outside.
Fiona leaves Lip outside to take one final look at the house, she breaks down as she does.
Velcro Lewis Group - Open the Sky
Frank helps Debbie "sexy up" for Tyler; Carl & Nick arrive at school.
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