Frightened Rabbit - The Winter of Mixed Drinks
Fiona comes home after a night shift, puts money into a "Squirrel Fund" box and finds some Chinese woman sleeping in Frank's room
the very beginning of the episode: Sheila goes for a walk and sees a grocery truck
Frank gets out of the Alibi Room stealing Antoine's keys in order to deliver food for Dorothy Coronis himself
Tim Hanauer - Wind-Up Toy - EP
The elderly plays at the park, Played again when Vee calls out all the elders that it's time to leave
Wild Yaks - 10 Ships (Don't Die Yet)
Debbie goes to the nursing home where Veronica works and finds out that Henry, an old man, has just died
The Rosebuds - Night of the Furies
Jasmine gets on Fiona's Facebook and pokes Chris Heisner, Fi's high school crush
Bumblebeez - Prince Umberto and the Sister of Ill
Jodie leaves Karen's house and she kisses him, Lip sees it and runs away; titles
Jody leaves Karen's house and Lip goes in there to have sex with Karen
Fiona working in the club. no scripts being read. party time.
Bumblebeez - Prince Umberto And The Sister Of Ill
Jodie leaves Karen's house and she kisses him, Lip sees it and runs away; titles
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