When Debbie brings a pillow downstairs to her dad, who is passed out on the floor.
Also plays when Steve & Fiona meet at the train & when they kiss.
(correct band name spelling is Takka Takka)
Home party at Gallaghers' house with Fiona, Frank, Steve, Veronica and Kevin
During Frank's intro when Kevin and Veronica are shown having sex
Kevin smokes and hits his alarm clock that starts playing the song after Ian leaves with the medical supplies.
In the background while Ian works at the Kash & Grab; Linda tells Kash to talk to his mother
When Debbie brings a pillow downstairs to her dad, who is passed out on the floor. Also plays when Steve & Fiona meet at the train & when they kiss.
After Ian leaves with the medical supplies, Kevin smokes and hits his alarm clock.
After eating at the restaurant, Steve shows his real job to Fiona by stealing a car right in front of her
Ian and Lip try to escape from Karen's house after her father found her under the table performing oral sex on Ian
The Rescues - Let Loose the Horses
Steve recalled his memory and told Fiona what her outfit was when he first saw her in a dance party over the phone.
After eating at the restaurant, Steve shows his real job to Fiona by stealing a car right in front of her
Fiona, Frank, and Steve are sitting around drinking and smoking up
Frank finds the new washing machine, and Lip catches Kash & Ian on the act
Home party at Gallaghers' house with Fiona, Frank, Steve, Veronica and Kevin
Spoon - Music from the O.C., Mix 1 (Music from the TV Series)
Gallagher family and Steve are having breakfast; end credits
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