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Gram and a Half

Bloody Tourists - Kink

Veronica starts to iron topless

Beginner's Luck

Eels - Hombre Lobo

Frank puts on some shoes and goes into the Alibi

Silly Boy

The Blue Van - Man Up

Kevin closing the bar and leaving old Billy to sleep on the counter there

Love You All Along

La Strada - La Strada - EP

Frank wakes up in a park in Canada.


Brooklyn - Clandestine

Kev is visiting the camping car for bringing Frank back home

Inside Out

999 - The Biggest Prize In Sport

Steve, Kev and V drive Frank back to Chicago

Hello Darlin

The Rosebuds - Life Like

After Sheila blindsides Frank with an S&M session, he is about to leave when he notices Sheila has cooked him a sumptuous dinner.

Shes a Guillotine

The Blood Arm - Turn and Face Me

Frank's eats lunch with Karen & Sheila; end credits

November Was White, December Was Grey

Say Hi - Oohs & Aahs

Mandy draws on Ian's leg; Fiona visits Steve at work. End credits.

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