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Addicted to a Certain Lifestyle

David Arnold - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Sherlock explains to John why Mary is the way she is, and they make Mary explain herself.

Addicted to a Certain Lifestyle

David Arnold, Michael Price - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Sherlock explains to John why Mary is the way she is, and they make Mary explain herself.

The Problems of Your Future

David Arnold - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Sherlock explains what Mary did before collapsing, John and Mary make up.


David Arnold - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

John and Sherlock arrive at Magnussen's mansion, speak with him, and he shows them Appeldore.


David Arnold, Michael Price - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

John and Sherlock arrive at Magnussen's mansion, speak with him, and he shows them Appeldore.

The East Wind

David Arnold - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Magnussen's death. Repeated at the end of the episode when Sherlock leaves.

The East Wind

David Arnold, Michael Price - Sherlock: Music from Series 3 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Magnussen's death. Repeated at the end of the episode when Sherlock leaves.

Status Symbols

David Arnold - Sherlock: Music From Series 2 (Original Television Soundtrack)

John and Sherlock on adventures. John walking in to the drug den to get Sherlock

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.