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One Foot

WALK THE MOON - What If Nothing

Juliette goes to the dress shop.

Boss Lady

Big Noise

Juliette at the dress shop.

Bitches Like Me


Cara and Victoria at the bar.

Nothing's Gonna Slow Me Down

CRMNL - Trouble - EP

Everyone gets ready for BG’s party.

Make Me Feel

Janelle Monáe - Dirty Computer

Amanda and Bg at the pool.

Look at Me

Kali J

Dress shop meeting.

Keep It Real

Alec King - Keep It Real - Single

Amanda and Madisson have drinks.

We're Going Home

Vance Joy - Nation of Two

Juliette talks to her mom.

Sunshine State of Mind

Klassik POS

Robby and Juliette talk.

Wild One

Anna Mae

JJ waterskis.

Never Really Over

Katy Perry

Alex and Cara talk.


The Powder Room

Cara leaves the party in anger.

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