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Sweet Apocalypse

Lambert - Sweet Apocalypse

Lucas sitting on the bench by the lake

Nuit fauve

Eddy Pradelles - French Indie Club 4

Chloe introduces herself to Lucas at the party

Nuit fauve

Eddy Pradelles, Alexandre Prodhomme - French Indie Club 4

Chloe introduces herself to Lucas at the party

Fancy Robot

Le Fat Club & Josselin Bordat - French Indie Club 4

Party scene; Daphnè walking around the party talking to people

You Can Make It

The Shuffles - You've Got the Spirit (Gum Tapes)

Daphnè running around the courtyard handing out flyers; Boys in bathroom.

You Can Make It

The Shuffles, Felicia - You've Got the Spirit (Gum Tapes)

Daphnè running around the courtyard handing out flyers; Boys in bathroom.

Fancy Robot

Le Fat Club - French Indie Club 4

Party scene; Daphnè walking around the party talking to people


Gum Tapes

« Mercredi 10h34 - Tu crois que je suis bête ou quoi ? », when Lucas is in classroom watching his teacher.


Elizabeth Riordan & Robert Ashbridge

Eliott walks into the common room

Forever the Night

Spreader - Synth Pop

End of the episode when Lucas and Eliott are talking

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