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Breathe In

Frou Frou

In the Talon, when Lana tells Chloe about her horrible date with Clark



When Clark kisses Lana in the Talon and tells her she’s the only person he wants

Break Off Your Wings


Ted Palmer questions Kyle about Johnny's whereabouts.


Jackpot - Shiny Things

When Clark and Jessie dance and he gets into a bar fight for upsetting Lana


Sprung Monkey - Get a Taste

At the beginning, when Clark buys his class ring as Lana gives Jessie a tour

American Made

Sprung Monkey - Get a Taste

Played on the stereo Clark bought with his parents' stolen credit cards

In California


When Clark and Jessie ride on his motorcycle and he offers Lana the return trip

It's Time to Party

Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet

Played when Clark takes Lana to a bar outside of town for their date

Stop Crying Your Heart Out

Oasis - Heathen Chemistry

At the end, when Lana tells Clark he can’t have it both ways in a field

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