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Total Knockout (feat. Fiona Bevan)

Chopper XXL

City montage; Rafi works out Father Eddie.

Un canard

Angèlique Magnan, Catherine Vaniscotte, France Save, Julien Climent, Marie Martinelli, Nelly Chriss, Phil Wharton & Sam Goillot - Comptines Volume 5

Ally texts Brigette with an emergenacy; Brigette arrives at Ally's place; (repeats) Tutu and Edmund have sex; Brigette continues with the WNBA tryouts; Rafi & Carlo arrive in their old hood.

Un canard

Angèlique Magnan - Comptines Volume 5

Ally texts Brigette with an emergenacy; Brigette arrives at Ally's place; (repeats) Tutu and Edmund have sex; Brigette continues with the WNBA tryouts; Rafi & Carlo arrive in their old hood.

Bart Simpson

Princess Nokia - 1992 Deluxe

Rafi takes one of Quesito's Vicodin; Brigette gets hit in the nose at tryouts.

If I Could Only Fly

Blaze Foley - Sittin' by the Road

Tutu realizes she made a mistake; Rafi smokes a joint as he and Carlo drive back to Boston; Rafi goes to see Father Eddie; Rafi leaves the church after being kisses by Eddie, he takes more pills.

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