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Forever Young

Audra Mae - Sons of Anarchy: North Country (Music from the TV Series) - EP

Baby Abel's homecoming from hospital; Jax's last nite with Wendy & beginning of the start with Tara. Song plays as the background of previous scenes.

Forever Young (A Cappella)

Audra Mae & The Forest Rangers

Jax looks in on Abel; Opie is comforted by his mother; Chibs & Juice drink in silence; Gemma comforts Clay; montage; Jax & Wendy lie in bed together.

End of Story

Fireball Ministry - Fireball Ministry

Opie asks Jax why he thinks selling the surplus guns is a bad idea; Donna stops by the clubhouse to discuss plans for the kids with Opie.

Stray Bullit Woman (Agents Of Ahriman)

Greenleaf - Agents of Ahriman

Opie & Tig talking and heading to pick up 9ner's money.

Who Stole the Booty

Boo Boo Davis - Drew, Mississippi

Tara watches Wendy interacting with the Club members, then joins Jax on the couch; Jax pulls Tara away to ask her to cool the shows of affection in front of Wendy; Donna, Opie & the kids head for home.

White Angel

Lions - No Generation

Tig sets up for the hit on Opie's truck and follows it; Unser stops by the party to tell Clay that Opie's not a rat; Gemma asks Clay what's wrong; Tig shoots Donna.

Forever Young

Audra Mae & The Forest Rangers - Songs of Anarchy: Music from Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-4

Jax wakes up with Tara in his arms, then she sleepily declares she loves him; Clay comments on Gemma's love for her cockatoo; Opie lies in bed with his family; Tig tells the woman in his bed to leave; montage; Abel is released from the hospital.

Stray Bullit Woman

Greenleaf - Agents of Ahriman

Opie asks Tig if he knows anything about his cellphone being dunked in beer, then calls Donna while talking to Tig about his kids.

No Generation

Lions - No Generation

The Niners arrive at the Sons-Mayans gun deal and start a shoot out.


Mojo Monkeys - Blessings & Curses

Jax arrives home with Abel to a gathering of the Club.

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