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Ashes To Ashes

Tarbox Ramblers - A Fix Back East

Jax asks Gemma to let Clay know he wants to speak with him; Piney drinks at the cabin; Tara contemplates things in the hospital nursery; Opie drinks while staring at his Club jacket; Jax waits for Clay's arrival.

Were You There?

Tarbox Ramblers - A Fix Back East

Opening, Jax riding to Opie's Home.

Temptation Took Control Of Me

Holloway & The Scrantones

Wendy asks to borrow Gemma's car, while Gemma unpacks Jax's stuff; Gemma finds the manuscript hiding in Jax's clothes.

John the Revelator

Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers - Songs of Anarchy: Music from Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-4

Jax washes up in the cemetery; the Club heads to Donna's funeral; Jax arrives late to the funeral; Tara walks Jax's Club vest over to him; Jax lays a flower on Donna's casket then heads for his father's grave; Piney hands Jax a copy of John Teller's manuscript and tell him it's time for a change; Gemma & Clay worriedly watch Jax standing at John's grave.

Every Minute

Ladies of the Canyon - Haunted Woman (Deluxe Version)

Jax arrives at Donna's wake and embrace's Opie's mom, Mary.

Lightning When I Need

Five Horse Johnson - Fat Black Pussy Cat

Rosen fills the guys in on the witness & ATF's plan to charge Opie; the Club discusses taking out the witness.

Stay Free

Black Mountain - Spider-Man 3 (Music from and Inspired By the Motion Picture)

Juice informs Jax that the informant witness is a 17-year-old girl; Jax goes storming off as Clay calls for him to stop.

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