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She Rolls Me


Zobelle offers the Mayans a deal to distribute their heroin.

H+Dohertys / Tommys Peoples

Keiran Fahey

Clay talks to Jimmy'O at the Irish Pub.

Rosemary Girl

Pearlene - For Western Violence & Brief Sensuality + Rosemary Girl

Opie asks Clay to give Piney a break; Clay warns Piney not to come into the clubhouse with his Club jacket again.



The Club takes stock of their personal weapon stash.

Dohertys/Tommy Peoples

Kieran Fahy

Clay & the guys meet with Jimmy about getting back in the gun dealing business.

Love Won't Keep Us Apart

Chuck Prophet

Tara stops by to check on Gemma, who is convinced Clay will find another woman.

Can't Make It Through the Night

Deadstring Brothers - Sao Paulo

Tig tells Clay that Gemma needs to know he still loves her; Clay & Gemma have sex on her desk.

Busload of Hope

Steve Conte & The Crazy Truth - Steve Conte & the Crazy Truth

Bobby tells Clay that they have to keep the truth about Donna's death in the Club; Tara arrives to treat Tig's wounds and advises Sack that he has an infection.

Fly Low Carrion Crow

Two Gallants - Two Gallants

Piney looks through a box of mementos; Opie reads John Teller's manuscript.

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