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Someday Never Comes

Billy Valentine & The Forest Rangers - Songs of Anarchy: Music from Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-4

Families of the SAMCRO members pack up to go to the clubhouse; Unser & the Club prepare to go to war with the League; Clay calls the group to attention.

Someday Never Comes

Billy Valentine - Sons of Anarchy: Shelter (Music from the TV Series) - EP

Opening, SAMCRO gathers at Teller-Morrow for lockdown; (repeats) Closing scenes; Zobelle is arrested, Jax tells Zobelle he's going to kill him.

Later That Year

Straylight Run - Prepare To Be Wrong - EP

The song where SAMCRO drives to the fight scene (you have to get 2:45 min into the song to hear it)

Busload of Hope

Steve Conte & The Crazy Truth - Steve Conte & the Crazy Truth

Bobby tells Clay that they have to keep the truth about Donna's death in the Club; Tara arrives to treat Tig's wounds and advises Sack that he has an infection.

Hands In The Sky (Big Shot)

Straylight Run - Prepare To Be Wrong - EP

The guys say goodbye to their ladies; SAMCRO head out for the showdown with Weston's guys.

Watch the Way

Pearlene - For Western Violence and Brief Sesuality

Tara treats Chuck's burns; Chuck tells the guys what he saw the night of the fire at Caracara.

In the Flesh

Tara Holloway - Sins To Confess

Gemma talks to Tara about her position in regards to the other women and in the town.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.