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Casa Di Legno (Nonio2007)

Bachi da Pietra - Non Io

Weston getting a tat with Freddy Corbin.

Freeze and Pixiliate

Monster Magnet

When All the Sons comes out of club, hanging their guns on the shoulders. the sound is so dope .

Burn This Town

Battleme - Sons of Anarchy: Shelter - EP

SAMCRO heads back to town; Polly & Zobelle are put in a cell next to Weston; SAMCRO waits for an update from Unser.

Gimme Shelter

Paul Brady & The Forest Rangers - Songs of Anarchy: Music from Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-4

SAMCRO goes after Cameron & Abel; Zobelle books a plane ticket; Hale comforts Tara; Stahl is informed that Gemma's on the run; Unser drives Gemma out of town; Cameron escapes with Abel in a boat just as SAMCRO arrives.

Freeze & Pixelate

Monster Magnet

The Mayans & Zobelle leave the cigar shop; Juice calls Clay; SAMCRO heads out after Zobelle; Unser gets a call from Gemma asking him for help.

Casa di legno

Bachi Da Pietra - Non Io

Freddy gets a call from Opie asking him to separate Weston & his kid.

Ghost Colony

Tape Deck Mountain

SAMCRO corners Weston in the tattoo parlor bathroom, then Jax shoots him.

Railroad Cancellation

Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem

Edmond convinces Stahl to go alone with him to the safe house; Jax informs Clay that Weston's dead, then asks for an update; the guys make a toast to 'sons'.

Just Fillin' In

Pat James - Some Like It Country

Tig scouts out the convenience store to make sure Zobelle's inside.

City Lights

Pat James - Some Like It Country

Zobelle phones Hale asking for protection and is informed of Polly's death.

Let Me Live Long Enough

Pat James - Some Like It Country

Zobelle waits in the convenience store for SAMCRO to get him, then watches as they drive off.

Gimme Shelter

Paul Brady - Sons of Anarchy: Shelter (Music from the TV Series) - EP

SAMCRO goes after Cameron & Abel; Zobelle books a plane ticket; Hale comforts Tara ; Unser drives Gemma out of town; Cameron escapes with Abel in a boat just as SAMCRO arrives.

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