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Power Player

Clutch - Saw V (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Jax & Bobby run into Mayans on their way to Nevada to see Jury.

Alabama Clay

Austin Hanks

Jax calls Clay about their run-in with the Mayans.

Eye Of The Sun

Mojo Monkeys

Bobby & Jax arrive at the Devil's Tribe hangout with Susie in tow; Jury hooks Bobby up with Daytona.

Sucker Punch

Austin Hanks

Jax & Jury talk about the problems with the Mayans, the guns and the upcoming patch-over; Susie is advised on how to deal with the Club members.

Mojo Man

Mojo Monkeys

The Patch Over party begins; Cherry flirts with Half-Sack.

Then Go On

Old Canes - Early Morning Hymns

Susie kisses Jax then they leave the party; Clay asks Jury about Cherry's status, briefly dances with her, then leads her into a backroom.


Johnny Hickman - Palmhenge

The Club starts waking up; Susie asks Cherry why she slept with Clay if she likes Half-Sack.

All Hail

Lions - No Generation

Jax knocks over the Mayans' bikes them leads them to the Nevada clubhouse; the Mayans shoot up the club as SAMCRO sneaks up behind them.


Mojo Monkeys

Clay reassures Jury that the Mayans will lay low for awhile; Tig is rewarded with some female 'helpers'; Jax tells Clay he wants to head back and see Abel.

Evil Eye

Lions - No Generation

Clay leads the Club into Nevada.

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