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Make You Move

Danielia Cotton

Kyle tells Clay he has an opportunity for the Club; Jax asks Opie if he's okay with Kyle being around.

Yum Dom Cha

MC Jin - Abc

Song from the car of Lin’s henchmen as they creep past the clubhouse looking for Chucky

Make You Move

Daniella Cotton

Jukebox plays as SAMCRO first meets in the clubhouse to deal with Kyle, as Opie leaves to do fireworks.

Cover of Alice Cooper's "i'm eighteen"

Scott Shriner & the Forest Rangers

Montage to end the episode as Kyle's tattoo is burned off and Opie sets fireworks off for Taste of Charming.

I'm Eighteen

Scott Shriner & the Forest Rangers

Kyle's son starts performing; Gemma informs April that Kyle's in the hospital; Tig burns off Kyle's SAMCRO tattoo with alcohol and a blowtorch; Donna & the kids join Opie as he sets off the fireworks; montage.


Gia Ciambotti

Bobby & Jax trick Kyle into heading for the garage.

Yum Dom Cha


A car drives away from the clubhouse after Chucky runs outside.

Keep It Easy

Michael Sackler-Berner - Msb

Gemma convinces Clay to consider April's request.

Tall Walkin' Texas Trash

Jesse Dayton - Country Soul Brother

Clay tells Chucky they need to get the skimmed money immediately.

Excelsior Lady

The Donkeys - Dear John (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Unser stops by Gemma's booth; Gemma sees Tara hesitate after spotting Kohn frying sausages at the CPD booth; Jax asks Gemma to keep an eye on Kohn.


Fu Manchu - Start the Machine [Deluxe Edition]

Jax & the guys get boxed in at Lin's restaurant

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.