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Howard Blake

Peter entering the time machine.

Fight and Death

Hubert Daum

Peter reading professor Smithers’ journal about the time machine.

The Big Creep

Paul Gerard

Spider-Man meeting professor Smithers.

They! Are Coming!

Howard Blake

The prehistoric caterpillar chasing Spider-Man.

Panic E

Don Banks

The giant vine creature contiunes wrecking havoc in N.Y.C.

The Petrified Forest

Paul Gerard

Master vine getting reports about a human in the forbidden city.

Rat Trap (Link)

Syd Dale

Spider-Man arriving at the city.

Mysterious Cave

Hubert Daum

Professor Smithers telling Spider-Man the history of the vines and the radium.

Panic Patrol

Kenny Graham

The vines wrecking havoc in New York City.

Big Deal!

Kenny Graham

Peter goes back in time to 3 million BC. He changes into his Spider-Man costume and looks around.

We're on Top of the World

Bill Martin

At the diner, Peter talking to Jackie on how he helped Spider-Man to defeat the giant vine creature.

Street Beat

Kenny Graham

Spider-Man swinging.

Rat Race

Kenny Graham

Spidee-Man fighting the vine creatures.

Rat Trap

Syd Dale

Spider-Man is knocked out by the blue apes and is being taken to the city.

Highway Hullabaloo

Kenny Graham - Kpm Brownsleeves: Kpmlpb 21

Spider-Man facing the giant prehistoric frog.

Breaking Point

Syd Dale

The vine leader ranting about Spider-Man’s presence.

Sudden Scuffle

Syd Dale

Spider-Man lures the prehistoric caterpillar off the ledge.

Staccato Curtain

Syd Dale

Spider-Man swinging away.

The Waiting Game

Syd Dale

Spider-Man arriving at the forbidden city gate.

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