Paul Cook & The Chronicles - Until I Fall Asleep - EP
00:17 Fisher and Camille question Scott Bruce, who explains that Jim Miller saved his life; [0:23] repeats as Kirsten and Cameron continue painting as Camille arrives to tell them about Scott Bruce.
Sly Joe & The Smooth Operators
00:31 Amanda comments on Camille's distraction, then Camille questions why she, or anyone else, would like her; after Kirsten interrupts them, Camille tells her that she's too trusting, especially with Ivy.
together PANGEA - Bulls and Roosters
00:37 Linus and Cameron finish a bottole of wine, then flip for who will run to the store for more.
Mokita & Kaptan - Dreamer (Stripped Down) - Single
00:55 Camille tells Amanda she wants to try a relationship and is surprised at Amanda's response.
end of episode; bitter sweet collage of memories collected together of episodes from the lives of the members of the team's past significant relationships
00:58 Cameron tells Fisher not to arrest Joe Zeiss infront of his son; montage of the team as children; Camilla returns to her old home and throws rocks at the trailer; Linus leaves Ivy a message.
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