Jackie Wilson - 20 Greatest Hits (Remastered)
Steve and the crew try to drive up the hill but can't quite make it.
The Red Army Choir - Selected Recordings of the Red Army Choir
Hopper and Joyce sit in the Russian base and decide they make a good team.
Gaten Matarazzo, Gabriella Pizzolo - Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series, Season 3
Suzie demands Dustin to sing their song as favor for retrieving Planck's Constant.
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Spheres (Original Score)
Joyce sees the remnants of the exploded machine, the kids embrace, the military comes in.
Joyce and Hopper talk about how they make a good team, then she suggests dinner date for the two of them.
[WRONG EPISODE] Steve and Robin sing on the mall's toilet to mock Tammy after she came out.
Max and Lucas mimic Dustin and Suzie's singing much to Dustin's dismay.
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Steve and Robin see the monster after ramming their car into Billy’s; (repeats) The monster returns to Starcourt after Billy takes Eleven; (repeats) Griswold family throws fireworks at the monster
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Joyce is hugging Will outside Starcourt and El learns that Hopper is dead.
Gaten Matarazzo - Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series, Season 3
Suzie demands Dustin to sing their song as favor for retrieving Planck's Constant.
Dustin if forced to sing over the radio to gain Suzie's cooperation, then Suzie joins in as a duet; [0:59] repeats as Max and Lucas sing to tease Dustin; Will packs up his belongings.
Peter Gabriel - Scratch My Back (Special Edition)
The crew helps the Byers move out before heading their separate ways.
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Joyce tells Will that he’ll be safe with Jonathan and he replies that he’s worried about Joyce while Hopper tells Eleven she needs to be safe because the monster is after her
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
As Jonathan notices the ignition cable to Nancy’s car is gone Billy revs his engine
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
The Scoops Troop get stuck on their way to Cerebro as Mike tries to radio them
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Hopper enters in the wrong code; Nancy, Jonathan, Lucas, and Will run to the car before being met by Billy; Billy escapes his burning car to find Eleven, Mike, and Max trying to leave
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Eleven tries to snap Billy out of it by reminding him of a memory of his mom
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 3 (Original Score from the Netflix Original Series)
Hopper and Joyce are about to twist the key before Grigori surprise attacks Hopper
Alexandrov Ensemble - Les choeurs de l'Armée Rouge chantent Noël (16 chansons de Noël)
when Joyce and Jim Argue in the Russian base they sit in base and decide they make a good team.
Les rossignols de Russie · Les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge / The Red Army Choirs
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