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I Don't Want to Grow Up

Ramones - Adios Amigos

episode opening, party scene, focus on Dex

Golden Sun

John Bradshaw - Neo Psych Rock

Difficult time for Dex -- first, she has to hear from Ansel that he has no plans to return to living with her; and she has to tell her client his mother died

Don't Waste My Time


Dex changes the song and starts dancing around.

Golden Sun

John Bradshaw & Hazel Sainsbury

Ansel tells Dex he's staying with Grey until he gets his own place; Dex tells her client that his biological mom is dead.

Free Animal

Foreign Air - For the Light - EP

After scene where Dex introduces her client to his father, scene changes to Dex home alone

Technicolor Dreams

Emerson Ware, Tiguan Jones

Dex finds info on Jeremy's dad, then introduces them at Bad Alibi.



Grey, undercover, is taken for a drive by the character "Max", played by Inbar Lavi

Run Baby Run


Dex sits with Sue Lynn in a booth at Bad Alibi talking about an adoption scheme


CakeDrop - Original - Single

Meeting of Dex, her client and his adoptive parents where discussion occurs of how he was wrongly removed from his mother's care/; then scene changes to Miles and Hoffman together

Technicolour Dreams

Emerson Ware

Dex introduces her client to his birth father.


CakeDrop & Kate Vargas

Miles checks up on Grey and warns him against slipping back into his old life.

Neon Sky

Meghan Linsey - Bold Like a Lion

Dex meets with Scott’s birth father at Bad Alibi

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.