Sugar & The Hi Lows - High Roller
Emmett, Travis & Skye hike through Highland Park, Travis comments on Skye then updates him on Bay when Skye comes over to tell Emmett she to got them invite to a assistant hangout party.
Angelique Bianca - Ibiza Sounds: Rock
Emmett, Travis & Skye arrive at the assistant happy hour, Skye then introduces them to Sean; Travis leaves the group to let Emmett talk to Sean.
The Steepwater Band - Revelation Sunday
At the Muffler King, Hope looks at Regina car as Regina & Daphne ask probing questions.
Travis samples the hors d'oeuvres at the party afterwards he finds Emmett to asks when their leaving which only causes a fight between the two after Travis calls him out on new person he's become.
Kathryn, John & Bay show their support for Toby and his Lily discussion about their baby with display of mix-match socks then they pull a crying Toby in for a hug.
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