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We're Gone

Torches - Endlessly Repeating EP

Cole and Chelsea show Aubree their wedding rings.

Live Life

Zayde Wølf - Live Life - Single

Chelsea gets Cole’s ring in the mail then surprises him with it.


Sleeping in Cars - Almost There - EP

Jenelle talks to Jace about the situation with Barbara and wanting him back with her.

Keep Us Clean

Ryan Michael Traster

Leah is upset that Jeremy isn’t prioritizing Addie over everything else.

Make Your Home

Mikey Moore - Pull Me Apart

Leah has a BBQ at her house with her friends and family.

C'est La Vie

Zerbin - Darling

Jenelle and David finally settle into the boat then begin to ready it.

This Fire

Ben Rosenbush & The Brighton - A Wild Hunger

Jenelle and David struggle with handling the kids as they take them out fishing on the boat.

Let’s Stay Together All the Time

Map & Scout

Chelsea attempts to fold Aubree’s clothes but finds herself frustrated and distracted.


On An On - And the Wave Has Two Sides

Leah finds out about Jeremy is in a new relationship after their recent divorce.

Weighted String

An Angle

Addie comes to Leah’s house and joins the BBQ.

For You

The Silverman Brothers

Kailyn, Jo, and Vee all hang out together with the kids.

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