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Dojo for Crooks - No Winners

Chelsea runs errands with her friend.

Quiet Age

Big Haunt - Devotionals - EP

Chelsea gets a phone call from Adam’s ex-girlfriend, Taylor.


Sunbeam - Sunbeam & the Lovely Ghost

Leah takes Ali to her doctor’s appointment.

Heart Trip

Two Cheers - Splendor

(5:30 AM) Leah gets her girls ready for school.

Better Thoughts

Chalet - Tucson

Kailyn talks to her friends about finally graduating college.


Silences - Luna - EP

Nathan talks to his friend about wanting full custody of Kaiser rather than sharing with Janelle.

Be Someone

Fialta - Shadow of a Drought

Jo watches Isaac while Kailyn attends a class.

Golden Light

Reddening West - Where We Started - EP

Jeremy facetimes with Addie while he’s at work.

Losing the Heart

Midnight Pilot - Midnight Pilot

Jenelle and David plan to leave town when Nathan asks to take Kaiser for the weekend.


Novah - Alaska - EP

End montage.

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