Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
Jasper listens to music as the crew drive towards Sector-7 then with Bellamy's say-so Raven plays the song loudly causing Monty, Miller, Jasper, Raven and Bellamy to all singalong.
00:21 John wakes up, guzzles water, then spots Jaha; ALIE tells John that Jaha is in the City of Light.
Johannes Brahms - The Complete Symphonies of Johannes Brahms
Murphy awakes to find Jaha meditating, he tries to get his attention when he encounters A.L.I.E.
00:55 Raven makes a trade for a song; Abby tries to talk Raven into having surgery; Lincoln heads out into the woods and joins Octavia; a nightmare awakens Clarke; montage; Jasper has a freak out at the trading center.
00:55 Raven makes a trade for a song; Abby tries to talk Raven into having surgery; Lincoln heads out into the woods and joins Octavia; a nightmare awakens Clarke; montage; Jasper has a freak out at the trading center.
Montage; Raven makes a trade with Macallan for a song; Abby tries to talk Raven into having surgery; Lincoln joins Octavia in the woods; Clarke awakens from a nightmare; Jasper freaks out.
Warren Zevon - Greatest West Coast Rock
When Murphy first discovers the bunker on the island after waking up on the shore. Meanwhile - Jaha encounters A.L.I.E
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