Madonna - Celebration (Deluxe Video Edition)
Carrie & Larissa discuss Madonna's fashion sense & her Virgin Tour.
Madonna - Celebration (Deluxe Video Edition)
Carrie & Sebastian arrive at the launch party and meet up with Larissa & Bennet.
Carrie tells Sebastian she's going to get him into the VIP area.
Madonna - Celebration (Deluxe Video Edition)
Sebastian offers to get Carrie a drink; Bennet tells Carrie that Madonna's leaving & asks Carrie for help getting quotes; Carrie informs Sebastian she has to abandon him for work stuff.
Madonna - Celebration (Deluxe Video Edition)
Carrie tells Sebastian she wants to have sex with him; Carrie talks to Mouse about what she blurted out to Sebastian, then they talk about West's flirting with Mouse.
Dorrit shows Miller her room; Carrie puts away her diary and curls up in bed.
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