Adnan throws himself off the roof and right as Milan arrives smacks into an AC unit as Naomi watches in horror (EPISODE 5)
(1994): Naomi meets Mr. Kendle in Serbia @ the time a ceasefire is in place with Bosnia- Herzogniza; He tells her of the Panthers and who they are relating back to Dragan. (EPISODE 5)
(1994) : Pev & his two sons, Adnan & Milan, are playing a game with Naomi on top of a mountain in Bosnia-Herzogonia; (repeats) Naomi hands Milan a picture she has held onto of his father. (EPISODE 5)
(1994) Milan & Adnan walk away from the blood bath in the van with their father Pev dead; (continues) Naomi in the present & Milan talk about what happened after his father died. (EPISODE 5)
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