Zvlatko meets with the lady in London who shows him his London property for 100 million EU & explains how things will work from here on. (EPISODE 6)
Khalil meets with brother concerning the bodies piling up in the morgue, his brother thanks Khalil & shoves gun to Khalil's head to make point that he is in charge now. (EPISODE 6)
At the EU meeting, the leader announces the investment in three projects in Serbia while Zvlatko is sitting in the back behind the stage. (EPISODE 6)
Milan fights with Zvlakto in the bathroom after injuring him in the hallway (EPISODE 6)
(3 Months Later): Naomi buries Milan & Adnan where their father Pev is buried up on top of the mountain in Bosnia- Herzogonia he showed Naomi back in 1995.
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