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Har Mar Superstar

The song plays in the background as Jimmy and Julie are on the yacht getting it on.

Silent Night

CHAP 200

The song plays in the background as Summer announces she has a plan to save Chrismukkah.

The Hustle

Van McCoy

The song plays in the background on Julie's phone as her ring tone. Kirsten points out that it is Jimmy's favorite song.

Mamacita, Donde Esta Santa Claus


The song plays in the background of the student lounge as Marissa and Summer complain to each other about he upcoming holidays.


Van McCoy

The song plays in the background on Julie's phone as her ring tone. Kirsten points out that it is Jimmy's favorite song.

Christmas Is Going to the Dogs

Eels - Useless Trinkets-B Sides, Soundtracks, Rarities and Unreleased 1996-2006 (Audio Version)

The song plays in the background in the Cohen family living room as Seth gets everyone in the Chrismukkah spirit except Sandy.

Carol of the Meows

Guster - Carol of the Meows - Single

The song plays in the background as Ryan arrives to Lindsay's house and Seth arrives at Summer's place.


Leona Naess - Leona Naess

The song plays in the background as Lindsay tells Ryan she doesn't want to see him anymore. Summer and Marissa talk about what a strange year it has been and Seth cancels Chrismukkah.

Maybe This Christmas

Ron Sexsmith

The song plays in the background as Seth and Lindsay arrive to her house. The house has been decorated for Chrismukkah, Kirsten welcomes her to the family, and everyone is there as a surprise to celebrate Chrismukkah.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.