00:06 Mad Crow Diner, Appalachian Mountains - Hayley asks which Kingmaker office they should visit first, then Klaus informs her that Lucien has kidnapped Freya.
Adam Road feat. Danielle Parente
Matt informs Elijah and Finn that he just rid Mystic Falls of vampires and he won't let them tear up the town; Vincent chants are part of a spell.
Adam Road feat. Danielle Parente
00:20 Matt informs Elijah and Finn that he just rid Mystic Falls of vampires and he won't let them tear up the town; Vincent chants are part of a spell.
Matt informs Elijah & Finn that he just finished ridding Mystic Falls of vampires; Vincent finishes chanting the spell for Lucien's serum; Hayley & Klaus head into the next Kingmaker office.
00:53 The Mikaelsons say goodbye to Finn, pour his ashes into the river and promise to avenge his death.
00:57 Hayley informs the Mikaelsons that Lucien is trying to find a more lethal strain of werewolf venom; Klaus figures out the other dose of venom was for Aurora, then they find that she has left.
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