As they walk, Damon assures Stefan they'll find Julian. Then stops for another drink at a bar.
Denmark & Winter - The Holiday Collection
Mary Louise drunkenly complains about the service at a bar when Stefan joins her and distracts her as Valerie sedates her.
Tim Myers - iHeart the Holidays, Vol. 2: A Very Alternative Christmas
Bonnie drinks when Nora arrives at the bar. She tries to avoid her when Nora asks to help out at the Toys for Tots event which she reluctantly agrees too.
Hammock - Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo
00:02 Lily's funeral; Nora and Valerie say a few words about Lily; Stefan talks Damon into saying goodbye to Lily; Stefan open's Lily's casket and apologizes to her.
The Killers - Don't Waste Your Wishes
00:06 Caroline tells Stefan about her charity fundraising, then Stefan complains to her about Damon's frequent bar stops.
As they walk down the street, Damon asks Stefan what his involvement will be with the babies.
Nora gives Bonnie a donation for the toy drive, then asks if she can help out.
00:10 Nora gives Bonnie a donation for the toy drive, then asks if she can help out.
00:12 Damon assures Stefan they'll find Julian, then stops for another drink.
KT Tunstall - Have Yourself a Very KT Christmas - EP
00:19 Nora disparages a man's gift, then Bonnie asks her about her classes.
Denmark + Winter - The Holiday Collection
00:39 Mary Louise complains about the service at the bar as Stefan joins her and distracts her while Valerie drugs her.
Peter Bradley Adams - The Mighty Storm
00:50 Caroline visits her mom's grave and tells her about the twins.
Digital Daggers - Silent Night - Single
00:57 Damon experiences visions of his war days; Caroline tries to assure Stefan that Damon will surivive; Nora stabs Stefan.
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