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False Alarm

Trent Dabbs

Damon and Alaric are at the meeting talking about Elena. Dr. Fell talks to Alaric and reveals she knows about the vampires.

You Are

The Daylights

Damon and Alaric are talking about Stefan and the council.

Punching In a Dream

The Naked and Famous - Passive Me, Aggressive You (Remixes & B-Sides)

Damon is showering/talks to Stefan in his towel. Elena is working out while talking with Alaric.

Up in Flames

Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto

Caroline braces herself for school and talks to Tyler, who breaks up with her, wishes her a happy birthday and gives her a present.

Keep Running

Gemma Hayes

Stefan tries to kill one of Klaus' hybrids at the meeting, but Damon tries to stop him from killing more.


Courrier - A Violent Flame

Jeremy says goodbye to Elena and Bonnie before leaving. Caroline wakes up to find her bite healed and a present from Klaus. Matt and Elena go to the bridge. 

I want us to be a family again

Michael Suby

Klaus sits on the bed where Caroline was laying down and gives her the cure while talking to her

Goodbye Horses

The Airborne Toxic Event - All I Ever Wanted (Live from Walt Disney Concert Hall)

Damon talks to Sheriff Forbes. Meredith is arguing with Brian, her ex-boyfriend.

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