Keaton Henson - Romantic Works (feat. Ren Ford)
Matt patrols the now desolate Mystic Falls. Damon looks out over the town from the clock tower.
00:01 Caroline writes a diary for Elena; montage of Alaric and Damon having a drinking contest in Europe as Bonnie watches over them; Matt trains in the police academy.
Nielson - Beauty & de Brains - Single
00:06 Bonnie writes in her journal about Damon and Alaric's continual drinking.
Nick Murphy / Chet Faker - Bend
Lily meets Enzo at a bar and asks him if he will help her find a stone that she has been looking for.
Foals - What Went Down (Deluxe)
00:21 Caroline distracts the Heretics with a house warming gift as Stefan sneaks in the back door and sets up a bomb.
00:38 The group negotiates a truce with Lily and evacuates Mystic Falls.
00:46 Matt patrols the empty streets of Mystic Falls, as Damon watches over things from the clock tower.
Amy Stroup - The Other Side of Love Sessions
As they pack up her family's house, Caroline confesses her feeling for Stefan again and they start kissing.
Amy Stroup - The Other Side of Love Sessions
00:54 Stefan and Caroline discuss whether giving up their town was the right thing to do, then they kiss.
Keaton Henson - Romantic Works
Matt patrols the now desolate Mystic Falls. Damon looks out over the town from the clock tower.
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