Opening scene; the hunters, holding Bob hostage, camp outside of a school, a herd of walkers attempting to break out.
Opening scene; Bob reveals he's been bitten and begins hysterically laughing, declaring they have eaten TAINTED MEAT!!!!
Sasha searches for Bob in the woods, taking out attacking walkers as she does.
The group find Bob lying in the grass outside the church with walkers closing in.
Sasha instructs Tyreese to put Bob down, should he die; the walkers at the hunter's camp continue to pound at the glass; Rick and part of the group leave the church to kill the hunters
Shortly after some of the group leave the church, Gareth and his men appear and enter the church, instructing the remaining survivors to reveal their location.
Judith begins to cry, revealing the survivors' location to Gareth.
Rick's group returns to the church and brutally murders Gareth and his group.
Abraham, Eugene and Rosita, along with Glenn, Maggie and Tara leave for Washington on the church bus.
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