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Run It Up

King Flexx - All Out

Tom, Zenzi and Isaac tie up the Road Back operatives in the Swift Manor wine cellar then attempt to decide to hand them over to authorities, wait for Rowan to return from placing Andrita and her son into safety or spend the next 38hrs working find the Swift metal alloy piece to save Barton during Earth's apogee.

The Moment


Zenzi attempt to probe Eskol for any information he has on Susannah and the metal alloy; Isaac interrogates one of The Road Back operatives for information as well; Tom takes Susannah to his lab to use Swiftsight only for her to show her hand and inform him she knows of the metal alloy he's in search of in Utah as well her agents that he has hostage.


grandson - a modern tragedy, vol. 2 - EP

After the revelation of his father own betrayal to him, Tom throws his efforts to rescue his father away; fearing that Tom will regret his discuss not to save his father, Zenzi and Isaac, decide to go at it alone to save Barton for Tom.

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