S1 E3 - (13 Songs)
Bing Crosby & Judy Garland - Bing - His Legendary Years 1931-1957 (Box Set)
Sookie sneaks up on Bill, they kiss.
Judy Garland & Bing Crosby
Sookie sneaks up on Bill as they read and they make out.
Charlie Robison - Good Times
Final song during end credits.
Allen Toussaint - Sweet Touch of Love
Tara and Sam work out an agreement.
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - B.R.M.C.
Bill goes to Malcolm's nest and warns him Sookie is off limits.
Pitch Black - Frequencies Fall
Bill scares the vampires off as they surround Sookie.
Bills scares off vamp closing on Sookie
Alex Chilton - Step Right Up - The Songs of Tom Waits
Tara and Sam talk as they restock the bar.
Karminsky Experience Inc
Tara flees from her mother's drunken rage.
Jonny McGovern - Dirty Gay Hits
Jason dances for the V blood.
The Karminsky Experience Inc. - The Power of Suggestion
Tara flees her mother's drunken episode
First song as Sookie is surrounded by vampires.
Wilco - Being There
Tara and Sam sit on his porch.
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