Alberto drinks whisky with Mateo, then tosses his wedding ring off of the Velvet roof.
Raúl gives the seamstresses a pep talk and Emilio gives the sales team a pep talk. It plays again later when Raúl discusses the show with Mateo.
Clara wants to be Mateo's date at the fashion show. It plays again later when Raúl asks Clara to be a model in the fashion show.
This plays during the fashion show. Clara enters the runway and Raúl walks onstage.
This plays on the radio in the workshop. The workers drink champagne to celebrate all the work they've done for the fashion show.
This plays on the radio in the workshop. The workers dance and drink champagne.
This plays on the radio in the workshop. The workers dance and drink champagne. Ana puts on her red dress to remind Alberto of the good old days. Luisa heads to her hotel.
This plays on the radio in the workshop. The workers dance and drink champagne. Blanca dances with Maximiliano. Carmen notices that he's not a randomly chosen dance partner.
This plays on the radio in Alberto's car. Alberto asks Cristina if she would elope with him if he asked her to. She says she would.
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