King Fergus entertains the clans. Elinor eats the tart the witch gave to Merida, causing her to turn into a bear.
Julie Fowlis - Brave (Original Score)
When Merida is shooting her arrows and riding her horse on her day off from doing princess learning
King Fergus entertains the clans. Elinor eats the tart the witch gave to Merida, causing her to turn into a bear.
Patrick Doyle, Billy Connolly, Alex Norton, Carey Wilson, Scott Davies & Gordon Neville - Brave (Original Score)
00:35 King Fergus entertains the clans. Elinor eats the tart the witch gave to Merida, causing her to turn into a bear.
Plays at the end of the film and continues playing during the end credits.
Emma Thompson & Peigi Barker - Brave (Original Score)
00:51 A flashback shows Elinor singing the song to young Merida.
Emma Thompson - Brave (Original Score)
Queen Elinor and young Princess Merida sing during a memory.
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