Everybody is getting the house ready while Blar is coming home.
Elvis Presley - Martha Stewart Living Music: Traditional Songs for the Holidays
When Nora is In the liquor store with santa, this plays in the background
1:21:00 minutes into the movie| The band/neighbour sings this song, heard in background in the kitchen.
Ramones - Weird Tales of the Ramones (Audio Version)
Everybody is getting the house ready while Blar is coming home.
Darlene Love - The Concert of Love
1:13:23 minutes into the movie|
Spike riding on his bike in the snow, guiding police car with Blair to the party
1:19:25 minutes into movie, Vic starts singing and aswell as the band inside the house
Eddie Cochran - The Best of Eddie Cochran
1:19:25 minutes into movie, Vic starts singing and aswell as the band inside the house
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